I'd like to skip this post all together in order to ignore reality, but I know I can't do that. *sigh* Here's goes.
We’re thankful for the ministry God has given us with Mountain Top Ministries. Arold has been at the school since
2007 and I've been here since 2010. We have invested in our students through English and
computer classes, crochet lessons, summer VBS, and countless hours in the
school yard building relationships. Nearly 20 of these young people have been
baptized in the last two years. Arold has taught Sunday school classes, played on the worship team, and most recently started a gospel choir with the youth. We have both been privileged to play a part in
providing life changing medical care to more than 7,000 patients through the clinic in the last
two years alone. There are a lot of good things happening through the school,
medical clinic, and church in Gramothe.
While we have been blessed to be a part of the ministry here, we recognize that
our time with MTM has come to a close. After a lot of prayer and many sleepless nights, Arold and I have made the difficult decision to move our family to the U.S. for the next chapter of our lives. We are still passionate about empowering Haiti’s youth through
education, and we hold a special place for Haitian kids in our hearts. We look
forward to the day that God will move us back to Haiti. But for now, we’re
preparing for an international move during the first week of June.
So, the bitter part is that we are leaving our students, our church, our first home, and Arold's family. It's definitely not going to be easy. The sweetness that helps us deal with all this bitter is that we'll be close to my family, have constant electricity, and be able to enjoy all of the conveniences that life in the US has to offer.
Pray for us, will you?
P.S. Nothing is wrong. Yes, it is very fast timing, and we are as surprised as you are that we're moving to the States. We are confident this is where God is leading us for this phase of our lives, so as hard as it is to leave Haiti we need to be obedient to Him.