Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My awesome husband

I'm not sure if I've posted about this already, but I'm too lazy to go back and check right now. :-P

In February Willem asked my husband to preach during church one Sunday. He really wasn't looking forward to it, but he prepared for a couple of weeks and was ready when the time came. He did a great job! He was only nervous for about the first 10 seconds, and after that he was fine.

The topic of the sermon was "The Mark of Distinction." He first talked about Passover and the blood of the lamb that protected the Jewish families. Then he talked about the blood of Christ and difference it makes in our lives. Everyone agreed it was a great sermon.

At the end of the service two boys from 11th grade walked up to the front of the church and said they wanted to dedicate their lives to Christ! Willem, Arold, and the deacons prayed over the boys as they prayed the sinner's prayer.

What a great Sunday!!

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